Products – Fruit Cakes and Cake Portions

Available as individual wrapped portions, 12 portion and 24 portions.


Our cakes and cake portions are available in singles, twin slice packs and complete cakes pre-sliced and come in a number of flavours:

  • apple and cinamon
  • mixed fruit
  • lemon
  • orange
  • chocolate and orange
  • carrot
  • brownie


Providing you with healthy food items in our on-going improvement and the need to strive for the very best quality. This aim has led us to eliminate all hydrogenated fats from our cakes. Trans fats are bad for our health because they are high in LDL (bad cholesterol) while also causing decreased levels of HDL (good cholesterol), creating an imbalance in our bodies. This is why we are using sunflower oil (vegetable oil), high in omega 6 fats, which act to reduce inflammation, protect the heart and lower LDL cholesterol levels.


In the cake recipes only fresh, Class A eggs are used.


Our cakes contain real fruit carefully chosen with our suppliers so that it is always of the best quality and just the right size, in line with the strictest quality and traceability standards.

We work with natural and candied fruit, depending on the variety, to bring you the best flavour and texture! So our cakes are delicious and natural too!



Twin Slice Packs


Whole Cakes – Pre-Sliced
